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Hannah Shiro

Post Details

Every individual possesses two halves, two facets of their personality, and two perspectives to every story. We are all familiar with the act of adapting ourselves to fit different situations, presenting our professional persona versus our self, or revealing a different side on a first date compared to years into a relationship. I am no exception.

When I embarked on this journey, I believed it necessary to segregate parts of myself and choose which side would align with my new identity. I thought that by drawing a line and keeping certain aspects separate, I would find happiness and better health. However, I couldn't have been more mistaken. The side I attempted to suppress constantly yearned for an opportunity to play, laugh, and explore. Compartmentalizing my life proved ineffective. I was holding back and denying my lovers the chance to witness me in my entirety.

Each of us needs to embrace, indulge, and share both sides of ourselves with someone who is open-minded and adventurous. Now, my goal is to create an experience where everyone who enters my world can enjoy this freedom. These qualities coexist as two halves, as one cannot exist without the other. You may choose which side to encounter today and experience the other next week. Alternatively, you don't have to choose at all. Why not embrace moments that encompass both? I excel at perceiving and adapting to the energy you bring, seamlessly transitioning between the two aspects, fluidly moving up and down the spectrum as it suits us.

I have only one request: when we meet, promise me that you will bring your authentic, complete self. In my presence, both halves of you have the opportunity to shine, just as I do now. If only I had learned at a younger age, as I'm certain many of you also feel, that life is too short not to be true to oneself.

Yours sincerely,

HS x

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